Human rights due diligence
in renewable energy projects

Proyecto eólico Delta II

Jiloca cluster

Within the Delta II wind project, Repsol is developing the Jiloca cluster, in the municipal districts of Monforte de Moyuela, Loscos, Huesa del Común, and Nogueras in Spain.

In keeping with our commitment to act with due diligence in human rights, the Low-Carbon Generation (LCG) business is going one step further by incorporating into its project management system the aim of minimizing the impacts of our operations on human rights and obtaining a social license.

As part of this due diligence process, Repsol has carried out the following major actions:

  1. Completing a participatory assessment on Human Rights Impacts that includes a social baseline.
  2. Defining, along with communities, proper mitigation measures.
  3. Designing a Local Development plan aligned with the impacts evaluated in the study that respond to the needs of the residents.

City councils and local associations have participated throughout this process and their feedback was taken into consideration in order to increase the possibility of improving the process.

Human Rights Impact Assessment and mitigation measures

The steps for carrying out the social impact assessment were:

1) Initial meetings of the Repsol team with primary stakeholders in order to:

2) Collect information

Compile and analyze documents internally in order to prepare a social baseline study.

3) Visits to the project's area of influence and in-person interviews with relevant players

Identify potential social impacts and understand how these impacts were perceived by the communities.

4) Participatory workshops with the community

The impacts identified were assessed in multi-disciplinary workshops at the city councils. Measures to mitigate negative impacts and enhance positive ones were proposed.

The local population's needs were analyzed along with the communities, and depending on the impacts defined, social investment strategies were identified that, once validated by Repsol, would become part of the Local Development Plan. Representatives from the city councils and civil society associations were present at each workshop.

The human rights that may be affected by the potential major positive and negative impacts are listed below:

  • Right to social and economic development
  • Right to work
  • Right to decent living conditions

  • Right to social and economic development
  • Right to a healthy and balanced environment
  • Right of access to information and to participate
  • Right to freedom of assembly

5) Open session with communities to validate results

The results of the assessment and mitigation measures were shared and validated in a joint session for all affected municipalities. The attendees provided feedback and proposals on the impacts and mitigation measures.

6) Lessons learned

Considering the information collected during the interaction with the communities and the improvement options identified by the project team throughout the process, an internal lessons learned session was held. The process carried out, the next steps to be taken, and the feedback collected were reviewed. Decisions were made to improve the pending activities of the Human Rights Due Diligence process for Jiloca and for future projects similar to this one, while incorporating the learnings into both of the Business's project process and the global corporate guidelines.

As part of these decisions, for example, it was determined that the execution of the Local Development Plan should be managed just like the Human Rights Impact Assessment. This is in order to give continuity to the relationship between the Plan and the impacts identified, and as suggested by the municipal authorities, to strengthen the relationship of trust and transparency already established with them.

Jiloca Local Development Plan

In line with our commitment to create shared value and as an additional voluntary measure to the due diligence process, Repsol wants to be an agent of change in the region and annually allocates a percentage of the park's profits to the implementation of social investment projects in the area of influence.

The Local Development Plan has been designed based on the results from the human rights impact assessment and on the proposals shared by the local agents and city councils.

The Plan seeks to promote the social opportunities identified and to maximize the impact of social investment by responding to real needs and improving the quality of life of the local population. Thanks to this community-focused approach and efficient, sustainable social investment, Repsol aims to become a development agent in the area. The Local Development Plan sets forth three lines of action already presented and agreed on with local agents:

Increasing environmental improvement
Promoting the area and local population's quality of life
Strengthening the economy and social cohesion by supporting rural activities
A person filling out a form

Stakeholder Engagement Plan

We work hard for our activities to be accepted in the region. For example, in terms of land use, we prioritize negotiation with landowners in advance by striving to establish satisfactory agreements for both parties.

Repsol designs and implements a Stakeholder Engagement Plan in collaboration with key stakeholders in the area. 

In-person meetings are organized with the identified stakeholders to explain the company's commitments, objectives, methodology, and phases of the participatory impact assessment and social development plan. Also, communication channels and the frequency of the meetings are agreed upon with them, and any questions they may have are answered.

Grievance mechanisms

A person using a laptop

Communication channels

As with all renewable energy projects, communication channels are made available throughout the entire life cycle to all stakeholders to address their complaints and to enable them to express their concerns as well as request information without fear of retaliation. 

Two workers looking at documents

Community monitoring

Moreover, during the construction phase, community monitoring is implemented to manage possible queries or complaints, particularly concerning landowners affected by the project. It includes the activities necessary to monitor the mitigation measures agreed with the communities throughout the asset's life cycle.