Analyst coverage and recommendation

Analyst coverage


Broker Analyst Recommendation* Target price Date
ALANTRA (ex N+1) Fernando Abril-Martorell STRONG BUY 17.35 7/28/23
BANCO SABADELL Virginia Romero Guijarro BUY 17.03 6/15/23
19.00 7/27/23
BERENBERG Henry Tarr HOLD 14.20 7/18/23
BERNSTEIN Oswald Clint OUTPERFORM 18.00 5/9/23
BESTINVER Alvaro Navarro BUY 19.60 12/23/22
CAIXABANK BPI  Pedro Sousa Alves BUY 19.60 6/5/23
CITIGROUP Alastair Syme BUY 17.00 11/22/22
James Hubbard
BUY 17.70 5/5/23
Massimo Bonisoli
HOLD 16.00
Paul Redman OUTPERFORM 17.00
Michele Della Vigna BUY 
GVC ESN Victor Peiró BUY 19.50   3/10/23
Kim Fustier HOLD 13.80 7/18/22
JB CAPITAL Ignacio Doménech BUY 16.90 7/28/23
JEFFERIES Giacomo Romeo
HOLD 14.00 5/16/23
JP MORGAN CAZENOVE Matthew Lofting UNDERWEIGHT 13.00 7/18/23
KEPLER CHEUVREUX Pablo Cuadrado BUY 18.50 7/28/23
MEDIOBANCA Alessandro Pozzi NEUTRAL 16.50 8/31/23
MIRABAUD Sonia Ruiz de Garibay BUY 18.50 2/17/23
MORGAN STANLEY Martijn Rats EQUALWEIGHT 14.10 5/12/23
ODDO SECURITIES Ahmed Ben Salem OUTPERFORM 19.50 3/30/23
RBC SECURITIES Biraj Borkhataria OUTPERFORM 20.00 7/27/23
REDBURN Peter Low NEUTRAL 15.20 7/5/23
RENTA 4 Batalla Eguidazu BUY 18.90 9/7/22
SANTANDER Jason Kenney OUTPERFORM 17.00 5/2/22
SOCIETE GENERALE Irene Himona BUY 16.50 6/9/23
UBS Henri Patricot BUY 17.00
    AVERAGE 17.16


“Repsol regularly posts an average of the Target Prices published by entities and professionals that periodically issue investment recommendations on REPSOL in the "Analysts" section of its website (hereinafter "Analysts"). This list is not exhaustive. It does not include all the entities and professionals that issue investment recommendations on REPSOL and is subject to change. Also, due to the dynamic nature of this information, it may not be perfectly updated at all times.

This information is provided voluntarily by REPSOL for merely informative purposes. REPSOL has no intention of providing any type of investment-related recommendation or assessment.

The interpretations, estimates, opinions, forecasts, predictions, price targets, hypotheses, conclusions, and recommendations, in addition to any non-factual information related to REPSOL's performance analyzed by the Analysts, are exclusively theirs and, therefore, do not represent the interpretations, estimates, opinions, forecasts, predictions, target prices, hypotheses, conclusions, or recommendations of REPSOL or any of its directors or employees.

The publication of this list or of information on Analyst coverage, including the estimated results consensus or the average of the target prices, does not imply any type of endorsement or ratification by REPSOL of the interpretations, estimates, opinions, forecasts, predictions, price targets, hypotheses, conclusions and recommendations of the Analysts. REPSOL does not guarantee and has not adopted any measure to verify the accuracy, suitability, or exhaustiveness of this information, and under no circumstance does it assume responsibility for any inaccuracies, omissions, or errors contained therein; conclusions drawn therefrom; or any decision made based this information. This declaration also applies to the Analysts' obligation to document all circumstances that could reasonably jeopardize the objectivity of their recommendations and, in particular, all the relevant financial interests in the financial securities and instruments that constitute the object of the recommendation or conflicts of interest with the issuer to which the recommendation makes reference."