
At Repsol, we are committed to protecting the environment and give priority to the necessary actions to minimize the possible impacts of our operations and the products we offer our customers. Preserving natural capital and implementing circular economy principles are key aspects in developing our Sustainability Model and Repsol's Safety and Environment Strategy.

We are a TFND Early Adopter

In accordance with our commitment to transparency and the best environmental reporting practices, and following our voluntary adhesion in 2018 to the TCFD (Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures), Repsol has been registered as a TNFD (Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures) early adopter, intending to begin reporting on nature-related impacts, dependencies, risks and opportunities following the recommendations of this working group that seeks to pave the way for business to prioritize nature as a core and strategic risk management issue along with climate change.


Discover more TNFD

Natural capital: Inherent in all our decisions

Natural capital encompasses natural resources that contribute to human well-being, the development of society, and the advancement of the global economy. This contribution is made through ecosystem services from which we got energy, materials, cultural aspects, etc.

We have developed a methodology and a digital tool, called Reads, which enables us to conduct a comprehensive assessment of environmental impacts of projects and operations at a global level, facilitating decision-making based on the monetary valuation of these impacts.


Discover Reads

Environmental management excellence integrated into our decision-making

Our strategic model is based on prevention and minimizing impacts on the environment.

A worker at an industrial complex talking on a walkie-talkie

Developing proactive risk management

We have prevention and control mechanisms through pioneering technologies that enable us to proactively manage the potential risk of our operations in order to prevent possible environmental impacts.

Repsol Board of Directors at the AGM

Environment Policy

Our policy helps us to improve our day-to-day operations and to establish action guidelines that adapt to the Repsol values. We take on the commitment of promoting environmental best practices and to respond to the concerns and expectations of our stakeholders.

A Repsol employee walking next to two indigenous people

Environment Objectives in the Global Sustainability Plan

At Repsol, we contribute to sustainable development by trying to meet the growing demand for energy, which is essential for ensuring people's fundamental rights and creating value in the short and long term.

We maximize positive impacts and minimize negatives on society and the environment along our value chain through ethical and transparent behavior. 

Our Global Sustainability Plan particularly integrates an environment pillar, which defines specific short and medium term objectives for 2023, 2025, and 2030.

Trees with a refinery in the background

Integrated Management Report

Our Integrated Management Report, which is published on a yearly basis, integrates both financial and non-financial information, specifically information on sustainability. This report also outlines the main projects and initiatives carried by the company throughout the year.

It also provides information on sustainability, including the Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) areas, among others.

Hydraulic dam surrounded by tree-lined mountains

Environmental KPIs

Our interactive dashboard allows us to see the main key performance indicators for environmental vectors such as water management, waste, biodiversity, emissions, spills, among others.

People walking in the courtyard of the Repsol Campus

Actively participating in workgroups and sector partnerships

We rely on a professional multi-disciplinary team and also actively participate in workgroups and sector partnerships with national and international organizations like IPIECA, CONCAWE, IOGP, among others.

Wind turbines in a field

Environmental certificates

Our facilities have environmental management systems and most of them have been certified according to the UNE EN ISO 14001:2004 standard and the 2015 version, as is the case with our Refining and Chemicals operating centers.

We encourage our partners to implement health, safety, and environment management standards. Moreover, our relationships with our partners are established through a Joint Operating Agreement that includes environmental clauses.

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