
PMB 45/80 75F high-performance modified bitumen

The latest technological advances from our laboratories are the basis for a high-quality product such as PMB 45/80 75F bitumen. It is a very innovative binder whose properties are superior to those obtained in traditional modified bitumens.

Greater cohesion and viscosity

PMB 45/80 75F binder is obtained through a chemical reticulation process with a high polymer content. This gives the product a microscopically homogeneous structure with full stability when in storage. Additionally, the degree of modification of the binder is very high, due to which it has a high softening point and internal cohesion.

The properties of this mixture, added to its high viscosity, are highly superior to those of traditional modified bitumens. PMB 45/80 75F provides greater cohesion, which allows more critical granular structures and greater resistance to plastic deformation.


Properties and applications

PMB 45/80 75F is a binder specially indicated for high-performance mixtures on wearing courses. This mixture minimizes the risk of ruts, possible slipping and exudation, in addition to improving aging and resistance to fatigue.

The durability of the surface and lower maintenance using this product are guaranteed. Additionally, the varied and magnificent features that this product gives it mixtures which make the bitumen more manageable. This implies that specific formulas can be developed in accordance with the desired application and characteristics.

Some of the main applications of PMB 45/80 75F include:

  • Discontinuous mixtures for thin wearing courses subject to high traffic demands and considerable tangential stress. Mixtures for high-performance wearing courses.
  • With this new binder, mixtures with open/discontinuous-graded granulometries can be manufactured containing 5.5-6.5% of bitumen and high resistance to fatigue.
  • Draining mixtures with a high percentage of holes in the mixture. An example of this type of mixtures is the Twin Layer system.

Respect for the environment

PMB 45/80 75F has eco-friendly properties when applied to mixtures with an elevated amount of holes. This reduces environmental impact in terms of noise levels, in addition to delaying the silting of draining mixtures.

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