A man running against a wall

Agile methodology - What is it and how can you apply it in your work?

Boost your skills with the Agile methodology

Work in a more flexible, collaborative, and efficient way.


More than 71% of organizations worldwide use the Agile methodology in their day-to-day operations.

The Agile methodology was born on February 12, 2001. That day, 17 experts in programming and software development were summoned by Kent Beck –a pioneer in software design patterns– with the aim of establishing new work methodologies that would allow them to be more efficient. And they managed it. They created the so-called "Agile methodology," a document that contains 12 key work parameters on which the Agile methodology is structured.

Its optimization and results maximization capacity made this methodology quickly gain popularity among other sectors. So much so that, today, more than 71% of organizations around the world use the Agile methodology in their daily work.

But, what is the Agile methodology? What advantages does it have compared to other traditional methodologies? How can you apply it in your work? Keep reading, and discover all the answers.

What is the Agile methodology?

The Agile methodology is a collaborative and flexible work system, where adaptability and the continuous achievement of results are prioritized.

The Agile methodology is defined as a flexible work system, focused on developing in the most efficient way possible.

Its functioning is the following: the project is divided into different iterative cycles, which include incremental tasks until the achievement of a final objective. Team members work simultaneously and collaboratively, and have the freedom of self-organization. At the same time, meetings are held on a regular basis, seeking continuous improvement of results.

This way of working promotes cooperation, adaptability, and efficiency. Since it prioritizes the capacity to quickly respond to the project's needs. Therefore, the Agile methodology has positioned itself as the main work method in companies around the world, leaving aside the traditional work methodology: the Waterfall method.

fondo turquesa

Differences between Agile and Waterfall

Waterfall methodology

It is considered the most traditional work method. It doesn't allow for any changes and leaves little margin for action in the event of unforeseen circumstances.

Agile methodology

This way of working allows for greater adaptation to changes during the development of the project, without compromising its execution.

Most used Agile methodologies

Among the most used Agile methodologies, Kanban and Scrum stand out, both with unique approaches for the flexible management of projects.

A woman in front of two screens with Kanban


The Kanban methodology focuses on continuous improvement, early execution of tasks, and adaptive planning. So, if you usually have to develop or manage short-term projects, this is the methodology for you.

When we speak about this methodology, we usually refer to the so-called "Kanban boards". Kanban boards help to organize tasks -or phases of a project-. These boards have different columns, which are divided depending on the function of the different work stages: tasks to do, tasks in progress, tasks done, and tasks in-revision.

A canoe in the water


The Scrum methodology is very similar to the Kanban methodology and, on many occasions, they are applied jointly, which is known as Scrumban. This methodology is used as a tool for visualizing work and consists of three phases:

Planning of tasks: First, the tasks to be developed are carried out. They are usually tasks, or sprints, with a short delivery period of a maximum of two weeks.

Daily stand-up meetings: During the development of the work, teams meet daily (for a maximum of 15 minutes) to determine the progress of the tasks.

Retrospective sprint analysis: When the process ends, a final meeting is organized to assess the work and prepare for the next sprint. This type of Agile methodology is indicated to manage tasks or projects that may be somewhat more "complicated" or "problematic" where, for example, there may be some unforeseen circumstances or last-minute changes.

The 5 best tools to apply the Agile methodology

Regardless of whether you have decided to apply Kanban, Scrum, Srcumban, or any other Agile methodology, the tools you use will make a difference.

  1. Monday                                                                                                                                                                                          This tool is currently one of the most popular, ideal for people who are starting to implement the Agile methodology in their daily lives. It's very intuitive and allows you to plan your tasks or projects easily and simply. It has Kanban boards where you can establish personalized work flows.
  2. Trello                                                                                                                                                                                              Trellos is a highly visual tool that, like Monday, is based on the Kanban methodology. It is very useful to organize and structure your tasks, as well as the phases of any of your projects. It is made up of vertical columns where each one responds to the different stages and times (tasks to do, in progress, done, in-revision, etc.).
  3. Asana                                                                                                                                                                                             Although this tasks is focused on project management at a business level, it can also be very useful when planning and organizing your own tasks or projects. In addition basic functions present on other platforms, Asana offers the possibility to integrate with other work tools, such as Slack, Microsoft Teams, or LinkedIn.                                              
  4. Axosoft                                                                                                                                                                                               It is a very good tool to establish exhaustive control and monitoring of any task, project, or work to be carried out. And its main characteristic is that it allows your to track defects through a detailed analysis of the tasks performed and their respective revisions or changes. It also has customized desktops that display speed metrics, due dates, the progress of your tasks, etc.
  5. Scrumblr                                                                                                                                                                                                Scrumblr is an agile project management tool, somewhat particular: it works as a virtual whiteboard. You can make notes, structure your tasks, prioritize them and organize your projects in a very visual way. Scrumblr is designed for collaborative work, since by sharing the link to your "whiteboard", other users will be able to view, edit, or modify its content.

The Agile methodology is transforming current work environments, converting them into more productive, collaborative, and efficient places.

The application of the Agile methodology in work environments undoubtedly has numerous benefits, with the adaptability to constant changes, process optimization, and continuous improvement of results standing out. But its advantages also extend to the personal level. Making use of it will allow you to better manage your time, enhance your ability to solve problems, and increase your flexibility to handle any challenge.

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