Other scientific projects

Bird's eye view of a forest with icons representing various industries

CUCO Project

Quantum computing research applied to strategic industries of the Spanish economy, such as Energy, Finance, Space, Defense, and Logistics, is already underway. This is based on scientific and technological knowledge of quantum computing algorithms as a way to implement this technology in the industry in the medium term. In order to do so, a number of important cases regarding the Spanish economy will be previously studied, and it'll be determined if quantum computing would lead to improvements. These cases involve observation of the Earth, the fight against climate change, the environment, traceability of information throughout the entire supply chain, among others.

Plastic waste


The ECLIPSE Project, which is promoted by the Spanish Center for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI), is aimed at the recycling of plastic. It will consist in researching new technological paths that facilitate the recycling and recovery of complex polymeric waste (plastics) and that entail significant progress compared to the current process (mechanical recycling), which currently has its limitations. Its purpose is to achieve a comprehensive, sustainable, and circular recycling and recovery system for complex plastic waste that's versatile, tested in the automotive industry, and transferable to all strategic industrial sectors.

A hydrogen molecule


The ZEPPELIN industrial research project will seek innovative, efficient, and circular technological solutions for the production and storage of green hydrogen. Its main purpose will be to discover alternatives to electrolysis that promote the circular economy through the recovery of waste and by-products from various sectors (agri-food, textile, WWTP, refineries, and more). New materials for storing green hydrogen and modeling tools for the new technologies will also be developed.

A woman cycles along a riverbank


We have joined the European Economic Area-Grants projects, funded by the European Union to improve the environment and fight against climate change. Learn more about our projects, which are focused on creating advanced materials that save energy and are environmentally friendly. From biofuels made from waste to rubber for tires. See all the projects:

Shot of the sea with the sun in the background


The TREMORS Project, promoted by the Spanish State Research Agency (AEI), seeks to develop pioneering technology for detecting seismicity at sea with a precision level far superior to the tools currently available to seismologists. This technology will help to better study seismic events such as earthquakes and tsunamis.

Detailed view of a road pavement


This project seeks the development of new specific bituminous mixtures to withstand high transverse and tangential stresses for their implementation in wearing courses and minimize the occurrence of winding and disintegration in the road surface. The specific objectives refer to the improvement of adhesion between pavement layers, the improvement of cohesion, ductility, and tenacity of the bituminous mixture to be developed, and the reduction of CO2 emissions and carbon footprint.

Scientists looking at a computer

HPC4E Project

The goal of the HPC4E project is to apply new exascale HPC techniques—which are capable of a quintillion (billion billion) operations per second—to industrial energy simulations, thereby customizing them. HPC4E aims to move a step beyond the state of the art in HPC simulations required for different sources of energy:

  • Hydrocarbon exploration geophysics
  • Efficient combustion systems for biomass fuels (biogas)
  • Wind power production and design
Employees working at their computers

Repsol-ITMATI Joint Research Unit Project

The Repsol-ITMATI Joint Research Unit was created with the goal of developing mathematical and computational methods to solve complex simulation and optimization problems. It also intensifies the public-private partnership in R&D&I and introduces the latest developments in applied mathematics and operating research to the industrial world in general and the energy sector in particular.

A woman holds material with a peg

Development of new advanced polyol compounds (POLCA)

Repsol has been granted with a financial aid for its Research and Development Project named DEVELOPMENT OF NEW ADVANCED POLYOL COMPOUNDS (POLCA). The Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI) manages this financial aid that is co-funded by the European Regional Development Funds 2014 - 2020.