Adding value to the societies where we operate

We are committed to respecting human rights and the fight against corruption throughout our value chain. We also develop social investment projects to maximize our positive impact on the communities where we operate.

Below, you will find some of Repsol's human rights, anti-corruption, and social investment key performance indicators. You can put together your own graphs and tables by selecting different time periods and KPIs, and download the information in different formats. Data from 2015 onwards includes information from Repsol and Legacy Talisman.


  1. Africa - Algeria, Angola and Libya 
  2. Asia - Indonesia; Iraq; Malaysia; Russia and Vietnam 
  3. Europe - Bulgaria; Spain; France; Holland; Italy; Ireland; Luxembourg; Norway; Portugal; Romania; and United Kingdom  
  4. Latin America - Bolivia; Brazil; Colombia; Ecuador; Peru; Venezuela; and Trinidad and Tobago. 
  5. North America - Canada and USA 
  6. Oceania - Australia; Papua New Guinea. 


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Indigenous community

Interested in finding out more about our social initiatives?

We aim to establish solid, long-lasting relationships with the communities where we operate, which are based on recognition, trust, mutual respect, and shared value through proactive dialogue and the responsible, transparent management of impact and social opportunities.