Universal net-zero energy

Promote universal access to energy by pursuing carbon neutrality goals and advocating for policies and investments that support the energy transition.

Avoid or mitigate the adverse effects of the energy transition on consumers, while sharing the positive impacts and developing responsible strategies for converting, selling, or retiring assets throughout the transition process.

Net zero emissions

We have defined a net-zero roadmap by 2050 with interim decarbonization goals focused on the reduction of the company’s carbon intensity indicator: 15% by 2025, 28% by 2030, and 55% by 2040.

We are moving towards a model that combines renewable electricity with the use of low-carbon products to offer solutions that meet all of society’s energy needs.

Our Strategic Plan contemplates investments of €6.5 billion in the low-carbon business between 2021 and 2025, which is 35% of the total capex in the period.