Repsol's success stories in ethics and transparency

Two women together look at a computer

Unified and transparent management

Navex is the world's leading provider of ethics, conduct and compliance services. It allows both employees and third parties to submit communications by telephone or through the web, complying with the requirements applicable in each jurisdiction in terms of personal data protection and processing and management of communications. Additionally, Navex allows communication to be done both by telephone and through the website, with the option to choose the language of communication and complying with the specific requirements of each country's jurisdiction in terms of data protection and management of communications, depending on the place from which the communication is submitted or the facts have occurred. Once the message has been received through the platform, it is forwarded to the company bodies responsible for initiating the investigation, and the corresponding procedure is set in motion.

The reform of the criminal code in Spain and the new powers of the Ethics Committee as a criminal prevention body, in addition to the integration of Talisman, which had its own communication channel to the Ethics Committee, and Repsol's growing presence in countries such as the USA, led the company to reconsider unifying all its communication channels related to issues of ethics, conduct, auditing and the Crime Prevention Model. 

The use of Navex offers Repsol the advantage of having a single channel that receives all the group's information on communications regarding ethics and conduct, auditing and the crime prevention model, therby ensuring the management and traceability of all information, which reduces risks from a legal and reputational point of view and facilitates the reporting of this information. This in turn allows the company to be more efficient in implementing improvement actions. The Repsol Ethics and Conduct Channel is a confidential channel for asking questions and expressing concerns about possible breaches of the company's Code of Ethics and Conduct in complete confidentiality. This new tool will be available twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.