Flowers with out-of-focus wind turbine behind them

Sustainability Policy

Our aim is to satisfy the growing demand for energy and products by maximizing our contribution to sustainable development, in order to meet current needs without compromising the needs of future generations, with a commitment to become a net-zero emissions company by 2050 in line with the objectives of the Paris agreement.

Our commitments

  • Support the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as well as the principles of the Global Compact in the areas of human rights, labor regulations, environment, and anti-corruption.
  • Define and periodically review the Company's Sustainability Model, based on which the Sustainability strategy is organized.
  • Establish action guidelines in accordance with Repsol's values and around its Sustainability Model in matters such as respect for human rights, environmental protection, health and safety, energy management and the fight against climate change, efficient use of resources, diversity, equal opportunities, tax responsibility, prevention of illegal behaviour and the fight against corruption.
  • Integrate sustainability in all the Company's businesses and organizational levels, ensuring availability of needed resources, considering the stakeholders´ expectations on sustainability issues.
  • Promote a Just transition that considers its impact on workers, local communities and the society as a whole.
  • Reduce and avoid its greenhouse gas emissions, helping to mitigate the effects of climate change, ensuring a universal access to a safe affordable and sustainable energy supply, using all available and emerging technologies, based on technological neutrality. All reduction levers will be necessary to achieve this goal, so that the Energy Transition is carried out in an orderly manner and at the lowest cost to society.
  • Assess and review systematically the systems for managing and controlling risks, establishing mechanisms for continuous improvement, assessing performance through all the life cycle and carrying out the necessary actions to achieve the proposed objectives and prevent damage to people, society and the environment, establishing for this purpose verification, auditing, and control processes.
  • Understand, analyse and manage the expectations of the Company's various stakeholders, such as shareholders and the financial community, employees, customers, partners, suppliers and contractors, public agencies and institutions, the media, local communities and the society in general. The Company has several communication channels that are available and accessible, which it uses to inform, involve, and maintain continuous dialogue with its stakeholders.
  • Transparently respond to stakeholders through economic, environmental and social performance indicators that are published in the Company's reports following international reporting standards.
  • Promote and require sustainability commitments in line/similar to those defined internally to its entire value chain: customers, partners, product and service suppliers and other stakeholders.
  • Create social value in the short and long term, maximizing positive impacts and minimizing eventual negative impacts on society and the environment, promoting the search for sustainable business, establishing alliances and collaborations with all stakeholders.
  • Ensure compliance with current legal requirements, internal regulations, as well as those others that the organization subscribes to in the activities and facilities where the Company operates.

This policy was approved by the Board of Directors of Repsol, S. A. on December 21, 2022.