What is energy efficiency?

Benefits of energy efficiency 

Energy efficiency is essential for reducing energy consumption without sacrificing performance and comfort. As a result, we can also be more sustainable as we cut down on the emissions of CO2 and the rest of greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere.

What is energy efficiency?

The concept of energy efficiency refers to the ability to get the best results in any given activity by utilizing the least amount of energy resources possible. It enables us to reduce the consumption of any type of energy including the associated environmental impacts. This is applicable from production to consumption of energy.

With energy efficiency, we try to maintain the same operating efficiency but incorporating a series of responsible habits, sustainable management models, and investments in technological innovation.

Etiquetas de eficiencia energética

What is the energy efficiency label?

In the same way the Energy Efficiency Certificate displays the energy characteristics of a building, the energy label is a tag that indicates the efficiency of any device for sale that uses energy. It is based on a rating index, classified by letters and colors, ranging from A and green, for the most efficient appliances, to D and red, for the least efficient. 

This certification is mandatory in Europe for the following types of household appliances:

  • Refrigerators and freezers
  • Washing machines, dryers, and dishwashers
  • Electric ovens and microwaves
  • Domestic light sources

Energy efficiency is measured using the following scale:

  • The most efficient: A, B, C
  • Moderate consumption: D, E
  • High consumption: F, G

Thanks to this energy efficiency label, the consumer has access to detailed information about the energy consumption of a product before purchasing it.

In addition to purchasing low-consumption appliances, there are other tools for improving the energy efficiency of our homes like installing energy consumption monitoring systems or setting up home automation systems. These telematic energy measuring systems allow us to see our consumption in real time and improve the conditions of our energy company contract. On top of that, incorporating home automation systems allows us to more efficiently manage lighting, heating and air, hot water, watering for plants, and household appliances.

Repsol and energy efficiency

Energy efficiency is one of the most promising ways to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions. At Repsol, we have a decarbonization strategy that includes all available technologies and whose major focus areas are energy efficiency, renewable electricity generation and self-consumption, renewable hydrogencircular economy solutions, and synthetic, or low-carbon, fuels.

Part of our objective to reach net zero emissions by 2050 is the integration of renewable energy into our operations and the implementation of systems and tools that improve efficiency at our industrial facilities. In this way, we will be able to perform our processes more efficiently and our activity will become less carbon intensive.

These are some of the energy efficiency projects that we are launching at our facilities:

Driving new smart systems for energy management

Recently, the Repsol Technology Lab developed an innovative energy management system capable of reducing energy consumption in climate control systems by up to 20% and up to 40% in cold chain logistics alone. An Energy Management System is a new system based on artificial intelligence algorithms and advanced optimization. It is currently being tested in real-world settings thanks to various collaboration agreements Repsol has with sector leaders such as Grupo García Carrión, Athelic Club de Bilbao, CBRE, and Grupo Nueva Pescanova.

Also, Repsol is developing a device that aggregates EMS systems, so they can operate as a single unit on the electricity market. This way, the system known as virtual asset management (VAM) will respond to the market by supplying energy or reducing customer demand, all while respecting each consumer's energy needs at any given time. The VAM system will balance the intermittent nature of renewable power generation, leading to greater savings on customers' energy bills. 

See press release on EMS and VAM systems >