Funded Projects

A way to make Europe

At Repsol, we are carrying out various projects that have received funding from the financial assistance program for energy efficiency in SMEs and large businesses in the industrial sector, which is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), coordinated by IDAE, and managed by each autonomous community.

A Coruña Industrial Complex

Galicia logos

Improving energy efficiency in the Crude-1 plant at the A Coruña Industrial Complex

We are carrying out an energy efficiency improvement project at the Crude-1 Industrial Complex in A Coruña that consists in the installation of two new heat exchangers that recover heat from products to be used to pre-heat crude oil being sent to the furnace, and thus reduce fuel consumption in the unit's furnace. This will lead to a reduction of 5,082 tons of CO2 per year in one of the largest units at the refinery, which could mean an energy savings of 2.2341587 ktoe/year.

This €3,000,000 investment is part of Repsol's 25/25 Plan for emissions reductions. The project has received aid amounting to €1,080,000 from the financial assistance fund for energy efficiency and savings in SMEs and large businesses in the industrial sector, which is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), coordinated by the Institute for Energy Diversification and Savings (IDAE, in Spanish), administered by the Energy Institute of Galicia (INEGA, in Galician), and paid out of the National Energy Efficiency Fund, with the objective of achieving a cleaner, more sustainable economy.

Logos Galicia

Modifications in the low pressure section (stripper) of UNIFINER 2

At the REPSOL PETROLEO industrial complex in A Coruña, a project has been carried out involving a series of modifications in the low pressure section (stripper) of the Unifiner 2 unit aimed at achieving its operational and energy optimization. This project consists in replacing the stripper plates and five control valves, incorporating recirculation for minimum flow in pump P-P4A/B, and installing a variable speed drive for engine P-E4.

These modifications will lead to energy savings of 0.585548 ktep/year, thereby avoiding 1,373.48 tCO2/year of emissions into the atmosphere, which results in direct natural gas and electricity savings for the complex.

This €258,958.50 project received financial aid worth €75,147.97 from the financial assistance fund for energy efficiency and savings in SMEs and large businesses in the industrial sector, which is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), coordinated by IDAE, administered by the autonomous communities, and paid out of the National Energy Efficiency Fund, with the objective of achieving a cleaner, more sustainable economy.

 Tarragona Industrial Complex

Logos funded projects at Tarragona Industrial Complex

Increased heat recovery for gas desulfurizer

Three new 645-E-4-G/H/I exchangers have been added to the existing E-4-A/F exchanger so that the liquid product is hotter upon reaching the fractionation column called "Stripper C-7." As a result, this reduces the consumption of fuel gas in the F-2 reboiler furnace.

This project received €196,248.55 in aid from the financial assistance fund for energy efficiency and savings in SMEs and large businesses in the industrial sector, which is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), coordinated by the Institute for Energy Diversification and Savings (IDAE), and managed by the Catalan Institute for Energy, with the aim of achieving a cleaner, more sustainable economy.

These modifications have led to energy savings of 7817.7 toe/year and 1,913.4 tCO2/year in emissions avoided.

Logos Cataluña

U-651 naphtha HDS heat exchanger train

The 651-C-H heat exchangers have been replaced, featuring improved characteristics compared to the existing equipment, to recover more heat from the product that must be cooled, which reduces fuel gas consumption in the F-1 unit's loading furnace.

This project received €681,629.61 in aid from the financial assistance fund for energy efficiency and savings in SMEs and large businesses in the industrial sector, which is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), coordinated by the Institute for Energy Diversification and Savings (IDAE), and managed by the Catalan Institute for Energy, with the aim of achieving a cleaner, more sustainable economy.

This upgrade has led to energy savings of 766.24 toe/year and 1,793 tCO2/year in emissions avoided.

Logos Cataluña

Increase in atmospheric waste heat recovery

Two new heat exchangers, 613-E-9-C and 613-E-104-C, were installed in series with the current exchangers, 613-E-9-A/B and 613-E-104-A/B, in order to recover more heat from the so-called "atmospheric waste," which will lead to a reduced consumption of fuel gas in the 613-F-1 furnace thanks to the preheating of crude oil feedstock.

This project received €131,411.69 in aid from the financial assistance fund for energy efficiency and savings in SMEs and large businesses in the industrial sector, which is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), coordinated by the Institute for Energy Diversification and Savings (IDAE, in Spanish), and managed by the Catalan Institute for Energy, with the aim of achieving a cleaner, more sustainable economy.

These modifications have led to an energy savings of 603.54 toe/year and 1,412.3 tCO2/year in emissions avoided, as well as a reduction in natural gas purchases at the Tarragona Industrial Complex.

Logos Cataluña

New flare gas recovery compressor in Tarragona

At the REPSOL PETROLEO industrial complex in Tarragona, a new compressor was installed for the Flare Gas Recovery Plant (U 425), with the aim of recovering the fuel contained in the gas from processing units that otherwise would be used for flaring. In this way, 1,321.73 toe/year of thermal energy would be recovered, thereby avoiding 2,757.11 tons of CO2/year of emissions into the atmosphere, and which means a direct savings of natural gas at the complex.

The €2,383,363.63 project received aid worth €715,009.09 from the financial assistance fund for energy efficiency and savings in SMEs and large businesses in the industrial sector, which is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), coordinated by IDAE, administered by the autonomous communities, and paid out of the National Energy Efficiency Fund, with the objective of achieving a cleaner, more sustainable economy.

Puertollano Industrial Complex

Logos Castilla La Mancha

Combustion optimization system in the Crude-2 furance at Puertollano

At the REPSOL PETROLEO industrial complex in Puertollano, a combustion optimization system was installed that allows for control of air that flows through the burners of the 602-F-001 burner in the no. 2 (U602) crude oil distillation unit, which will lead to a thermal energy savings of 0.674 ktoe/year, thereby avoiding 1,970.89 tCO2/year of emissions into the atmosphere, a direct natural gas savings for the facility.

This €95,525 project received support of €28,657.50 from the financial assistance fund for energy efficiency and savings in SMEs and large businesses in the industrial sector, which is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), coordinated by IDAE, administered by the autonomous communities, and paid out of the National Energy Efficiency Fund, with the objective of achieving a cleaner, more sustainable economy.

Logos Castilla La Mancha

LED lighting installation in streets at Repsol's Puertollano complex

At the REPSOL PETROLEO industrial complex in Puertollano, refinery road and perimeter lighting has been replaced with highly efficient LED technology, which will lead to a total energy savings of 0.144 ktoe/year, thereby avoiding 556.25 tCO2/year of emissions into the atmosphere, a direct electricity savings for the complex.

This €572,000 project received support of €138,026.35 from the financial assistance fund for energy efficiency and savings in SMEs and large businesses in the industrial sector, which is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), coordinated by IDAE, administered by the autonomous communities, and paid out of the National Energy Efficiency Fund, with the objective of achieving a cleaner, more sustainable economy.

Logos Castilla La Mancha

Improvements in the steam network at Repsol's Puertollano complex

At the REPSOL PETROLEO industrial complex in Puertollano, a new, more efficient deaerator that operates at very low pressure (0.2 kg/cm2g) has been installed, creating savings of 2 t/h of low pressure steam, which will lead to a thermal energy savings of 1.259 ktoe/year, thereby avoiding 3,679.95 tCO2/year of emissions into the atmosphere, a direct natural gas savings for the complex.

This €449,682.01 project received support of €115,262.70 from the financial assistance fund for energy efficiency and savings in SMEs and large businesses in the industrial sector, which is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), coordinated by IDAE, administered by the autonomous communities, and paid out of the National Energy Efficiency Fund, with the objective of achieving a cleaner, more sustainable economy.

Logos Castilla La Mancha

Energy optimization in kerosene production at Puertollano

At the REPSOL PETROLEO industrial complex in Puertollano, a series of modifications have taken place in kerosene production with the aim of reducing hydrogen and fuel consumption in furnaces by separating operations for producing Jet-A1 kerosene with that of gasoil production, which will lead to a total energy savings of 1.017 ktoe/year, thereby avoiding 3,131.84 tCO2/year of emissions into the atmosphere.

This 329,743.51 project received support of €98,923.05 from the financial assistance fund for energy efficiency and savings in SMEs and large businesses in the industrial sector, which is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), coordinated by IDAE, administered by the autonomous communities, and paid out of the National Energy Efficiency Fund, with the objective of achieving a cleaner, more sustainable economy.

Cartagena Industrial Complex

Murcia logos

New compressor in platforming unit #2

At the REPSOL PETROLEO industrial complex in Cartagena, a new compressor was installed in the catalytic reforming unit. The new compressor, 617K-0101, is powered by an electric motor, which replaced the previous condensing turbo-compressor. Replacing a very low-efficiency condensation turbine with a high-efficiency electric motor, in addition to a new, higher efficiency compressor results in steam energy savings. The expected savings calculated are equal to 5,536 toe/year given that the turbine’s consumption of 11 t/h of steam at 40 bar are replaced with a 946 kWh motor.

The €4,546,253 project received €313,875.90 of the eligible cost of €1,046,253 of financial aid from the financial assistance fund for energy savings in SMEs and large businesses in the indusrial sector, which is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), coordinated by IDAE, administered by the autonomous communities, and paid out of the National Energy Efficiency Fund, with the objective of achieving a cleaner, more sustainable economy.

Logo Murcia

Energy efficiency improvement at the Repsol Lubricants and Specialized products Asphalts plant in Cartagena

We are carrying out an energy efficiency improvement project at the Repsol Lubricants and Specialized products Asphalts plant in Cartagena that consists of the installation of two new thermal oil boilers with natural gas burners, of 2 MM kcal/h each. They incorporate air preheaters that recirculate the combustion fumes to preheat the boiler supply air and thus reduce the consumption of fuel, which will translate into a reduction of 271 mt of CO2 per year, from the installation's main source of energy consumption, and represents an energy saving of 81.46 tep/year.

The €730,000-project, part of Repsol's plan for the reduction of emissions, has received aid amounting to €129,314 from the financial assistance fund for energy efficiency and savings in SMEs and large businesses in the industrial sector, which is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), coordinated by the Institute for Energy Diversification and Savings (IDAE, in Spanish), administered by the Institute of Development of the Region of Murcia (INFO Región de Murcia, in Spanish), and paid out of the National Energy Efficiency Fund, with the objective of achieving a cleaner, more sustainable economy.

Logos Murcia

New flare gas recovery compressor in Cartagena

At the REPSOL PETROLEO industrial complex in Cartagena, a new compressor was installed for the Flare Gas Recovery Plant (U 468), with the aim of recovering the fuel contained in the gas from processing units that otherwise would be used for flaring. In this way, 8,937.95 toe/year of thermal energy would be recovered, thereby avoiding 20,629.68 tons of CO2/year of emissions into the atmosphere, and which means a direct savings of natural gas at the facility.

The €925,537-project received aid worth €277,661.10 from the financial assistance fund for energy efficiency and savings in SMEs and large businesses in the industrial sector, which is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), coordinated by IDAE, administered by the autonomous communities, and paid out of the National Energy Efficiency Fund, with the objective of achieving a cleaner, more sustainable economy.

Logos Murcia

New air preheater in the 601-F-001 furnace in Cartagena

At the REPSOL PETROLEO industrial complex in Cartagena, a new energy recovery system was installed that will increase the efficiency of the 601F-001 furnace in the crude oil atmospheric distillation unit, Topping 4 (U601). This will lead to a savings of 1,384.56 toe/year of thermal energy, avoiding 3,239.85 tonnes of CO2/year of emissions into the atmosphere, which means a direct savings of natural gas at the facility.

The €2,276,629.00 project received financial aid worth €682,988.70 from the financial assistance fund for energy efficiency and savings in SMEs and large businesses in the industrial sector, which is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), coordinated by IDAE, administered by the autonomous communities, and paid out of the National Energy Efficiency Fund, with the objective of achieving a cleaner, more sustainable economy.

Logos Murcia

New air preheater in 651-F-001/002 furnaces in Cartagena

At the REPSOL PETROLEO industrial complex in Cartagena, a new energy recovery system was installed that will increase the efficiency of the 651F-001/002 furnaces in the Hydrocracker Unit (U651). This will lead to a savings of 1,120.17 toe/year of thermal energy, avoiding 2,621.21 tonnes of CO2/year of emissions into the atmosphere, which means a direct savings of natural gas at the complex.

The €1,529,179.00 project received financial aid amounting to €458,753.70 from the financial assistance fund for energy efficiency and savings in SMEs and large businesses in the industrial sector, which is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), coordinated by IDAE, administered by the autonomous communities, and paid out of the National Energy Efficiency Fund, with the objective of achieving a cleaner, more sustainable economy.

Logos Murcia

New air preheater in the 682-F-001 furnace in Cartagena

At the REPSOL PETROLEO industrial complex in Cartagena, a new energy recovery system was installed that will increase the efficiency of the 682F-001 furnace in the DM3 Medium Distillate Hydrotreatment unit (U682). This will lead to a savings of 757.82 toe/year of thermal energy, avoiding 1,773.30 tonnes of CO2/year of emissions into the atmosphere, which means a direct savings of natural gas at the facility.

The €1,336,216.00 project received financial aid in the amount of €400,864.80 from the financial assistance fund for energy efficiency and savings in SMEs and large businesses in the industrial sector, which is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), coordinated by IDAE, administered by the autonomous communities, and paid out of the National Energy Efficiency Fund, with the objective of achieving a cleaner, more sustainable economy.