Recovery and transformation of slurry into biomethane and organic fertilizers

Several people from the project posing in a field with cows in the background

Repsol, Naturgy, and Reganosa are collaborating with Impulsa Galicia to develop the circular economy with a project that will transform surplus livestock manure and other waste into biomethane, organic fertilizers, and neutral CO2 of biological origin on a large scale.

This initiative has been created to optimize slurry management in the northern Spanish region of Galicia, reduce dependence on foreign energy, facilitate compliance with new European standards, and help decarbonize industry, households, and mobility.

What is the project about?

The project involves the phased deployment of a network of plants throughout Galicia to recover surplus slurry from cattle, pigs, and poultry mixed with a smaller amount of organic fraction of separated collection and organic industrial waste from the agri-food sector to produce renewable energy.

The first renewable gas generation plant will be located in Meirama (Cerceda), a fair transition zone, and then the other anaerobic digestion plants will be located at different points, according to a distribution based on the Galician map of livestock farms, thus optimizing logistics between the origin of the waste and the new facilities.

The project has an annual treatment potential of 6,000,000 tonnes of waste with a production, in addition to organic fertilizers and neutral CO2, of 1.1 TWh/year of biomethane to be injected into the natural gas grid. 

This renewable gas will be employed to decarbonize different sectors, such as residential, industrial, and transportation, and it will be used at the Repsol refinery in A Coruña.

Promoting the development of rural areas through circularity

This project aids in the optimization of slurry management in the region while reducing soil contamination, facilitating compliance with new European standards, and helping to decarbonize industry, households, and mobility. Moreover, one of the most advantageous aspects is that it will contribute to sustainability in rural areas by creating quality employment within the framework of the energy transition.

In addition, the circular economy is a channel for efficiently using waste, while driving rural ecosystems, through SMEs, associations, cooperatives, and technology ecosystems (startups, universities, institutions, among others).

Project recovery in figures*


Mt of waste (slurry, urban organic waste, and industrial organic waste)

treated per year


TWh/year of biogas

to be injected in the natural gas grid


t of CO2

avoided per year


direct jobs

and more than 1,900 indirect jobs

*maximum potential


Circular benefits

  • We will recover waste from the livestock and agri-food industry to generate renewable energy.
  • We will produce organic fertilizers from slurry that will be used as raw material by the industry to "close the loop" on the circular economy.
  • We promote compliance with the Spanish Government's recycling and landfill reduction targets.
  • We aid in the decarbonization of industry, households, and mobility and promote job creation in rural areas.
  • We use levers such as digitalization and collaboration to accelerate the development of circular projects in a sector as important as the livestock sector.

Classification by key lines and value chain

Our circular economy projects are aligned with the key lines of our strategy and are present throughout our entire value chain, from obtaining raw materials to commercializing products and services.

Classification by key lines and value chain