Vista de una carretera y un coche

An emissions-free future

The transition to renewable fuels is a key measure to achieve the CO2 reduction targets and help mitigate the effects of climate change.

Find out more about these renewable fuels, what types there are, how they are made, and the projects that we are developing at our company to promote their use.

What are renewable fuels?

They are liquid fuels that are produced using waste and renewable raw materials such as organic waste, hydrogen, and captured CO2.

As they come from circular raw materials, they are carbon neutral and have become one of the most effective solutions to reduce emissions derived from transportation.

Also, they are already available for existing vehicles, using the current distribution and refueling infrastructure.

Learn more about renewable fuels >

Did you know that you're already getting renewable fuel when you fill up your tank?

All fuel supplied at our service stations in Spain already contains more than 10% biofuel, in compliance with the minimum percentage of biofuel penetration required of the total fuel sales in road transportation, as established in RD 1085/2015 on the Promotion of Biofuels.

And, we're working to ensure that this percentage continues to grow.

Our projects

At Repsol, we are carrying out several cutting-edge industrial plans to produce renewable fuels in Spain.

Fondo azul con pictos de surtidores

The role of renewable fuels in current and future mobility

A real and effective solution for decarbonizing all transportation sectors.

Already key for addressing environmental challenges and promoting more sustainable travel.