We obtain the ISCC Plus certification for all our petrochemical complexes

Chemical News 28/02/2020

After the certification of our industrial complex in Puertollano at the end of 2019, we have achieved another important milestone in our commitment to boost the circular economy of our materials by obtaining ISCC PLUS certification in all our polyolefin production centers and other circular petrochemicals products.

Equipo de Repsol recibe la certificación ISCC Plus para todos los complejos petroquímicos

From left to right: José Antonio Albalá, Senior Business Development Manager; Rafael Jiménez, Polyolefins BU Director at Repsol; Adelaida Alarcón, Certifications Director at Control Union España; José Luis Bernal, Executive Director at Repsol Química; Fabián Campillay, Executive Director at Control Union España; Antonio Portela, Intermediates BU Director at Repsol; Sergio Gómez, Director of Strategy, Innovation, and Control at Repsol.

With the certification of our Tarragona and Sines complexes, we are the first to certify all our complexes for the production of circular polyolefins that use oil as a raw material obtained from plastic waste not suitable for mechanical recycling. Also, the certification allows us to market other products such as styrene, polyols, and glycols as circulars.

By being able to guarantee the traceability of the waste used, we can offer our customers a product with recycled material for applications that demand with high cleanliness and safety requirements such as medical and food packaging or cables.

With these new materials, we advance in our commitment to the circular economy and our value chain by putting on the market new solutions that will generate additional demand for plastic recycling.