We further boost polyurethane recycling together with RAMPF Eco Solutions

Chemical News 26/07/2021

With this agreement, we will have the exclusivity throughout Europe to develop and build recycled flexible polyol plants with RAMPF technology. In addition, we will develop together with RAMPF Eco Solutions new polyols produced from different sources and qualities of post-consumer polyurethane waste.

A girl sleeping on a mattress

This mutual alliance provides us with the exclusivity throughout Europe to develop and construct new recycled flexible polyol plants. The agreement specifically covers the analysis for the construction of new plants in Europe and the development of new polyols produced from different sources and qualities of post-consumer polyurethane waste.

This agreement makes it possible to unite the strengths between both companies in terms of recycling know-how and expertise and polyol´s production capabilities and engineering. Leveraging these synergies, the two companies will efficiently boost flexible foam recycling in terms of development and new sites construction.

According to Antonio Portela, Intermediate BU Director, “this agreement offers a new opportunity to show to the market Repsol’s commitment to the Circular Economy and its will  to offer solutions to the stakeholders to support them in their strategies. And we are sure that we have the perfect partner for this venture.”

This alliance demonstrates our aim for transforming our industrial complexes, turning them into multi-energy hubs capable of generating products with a low, zero, or even negative carbon footprint. Furthermore, it demonstrates our ambition to close the essential products’ recycling cycle offering sustainable solutions both for polyurethane transformers and the end consumer.