
High-performance emulsion for cold mix microagglomerates and bitumen slurry

We have developed the C65BP4 MIC d AP emulsion, which is characterized by enabling the obtainment of cold microsurfacing with very fast fracture and very high cohesion, capable of enduring the most adverse working conditions.

Properties and applications

The C65BP4 MIC d AP emulsion is adequate for zones requiring high-performance cold microsurfacing. This product achieves strong macrotextures that avoid the projection of particles in wheeled traffic and minimizes pavement preservation needs, thus improving safety.

This product is applicable in airplane runways and airport aprons, crack anti-reflective techniques using polymer or metallic mesh, wearing courses with high traffic intensity, treatments for improving adherence in zones with winding curves, safety and warning pavement in hazardous sections.

The characteristics of the C65BP4 MIC d AP emulsion include:

  • Increased cohesion (greater resistance to fracture under traction and torsion stress).
  • Greater resistance to slipping, since it improves the surface macrotexture
  • Greater adhesiveness to aggregates
  • Improved resistance to aging
  • Higher performance at low temperatures
  • Excellent cohesion and abrasion performance
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