Sustainable management in the supply chain

Promoting sustainability throughout our value chain

Repsol's commitment to sustainability encompasses the entire life cycle of our operations and disseminates compliance of the most stringent international standards amongst employees, contractors, suppliers, and partners. 

Two colleagues read documents at Repsol Campus

Code of Ethics and Conduct for Suppliers

Our suppliers play an important role in Repsol’s value chain. Therefore, we promote, encourage, and expect our contractors to adopt behaviors in line with the Code of Ethics and Conduct for Suppliers. Characterized by an ideal of cooperation, this code is aimed at a mutual benefit by respecting the role of each party at all times. It includes obligations such as the rejection of child labor, rejection of forced labor, freedom of association, and the right to collective bargaining. This is in addition to ethical behavior and measures against bribery, corruption, and conflicts of interest.

Moreover, business partners, which include partners, non-operated joint-ventures, contractors, suppliers, and other collaborating companies, are an extension of Repsol and must therefore act accordingly with the company code (PDF | 1.85 MB) and our Integrity Policy (PDF | 86 KB).

Contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals  

Children raise signs with the Sustainable Development Goals

As proof of our commitment to sustainability and the United Nations 2030 Agenda, we have launched throughout the entire value chain an SDG Boosting Plan that seeks to integrate the commitment, dissemination, and action in favor of this global agenda into our culture.

One of the tools that we have developed to raise awareness in this area is a dissemination course called ODStories, which works as a fictitious social network and navigates through the different SDGs showing examples of how Repsol contributes to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. In this interactive tool, the user can leave comments and get acces to explanatory and educational videos, infographics, surveys, and much more.

Workplace safety

Repsol is committed to providing a safe and healthy work environment for all the people that work at our facilities, access them, or are affected by our operations.

In order to fulfill this commitment, our suppliers’ contribution is fundamental, and they must therefore:

Operator talking on a walkie talkie at an industrial complex

  • Identify and assess potential risk situations at the workplace and minimize their possible impact by properly carrying out plans and procedures, as well as by using the adequate prevention and protection tools.
  • In case of difficulty in performing the work safely according to Repsol’s procedures, they must immediately notify the people responsible for the service or operations.
  • Provide their personnel with the necessary means and training to carry out the work safely in addition to any other means or training specific to the trade performed.
  • Promptly report any accidents or injuries that may occur and collaborate with transparency in the investigation.
  • Promote among their personnel the proactive identification of any unsafe condition or action that may put at risk the integrity of the people or the facilities. They must provide the necessary training and awareness to maintain an appropriate understanding of the risks.

In the event that the operational results are in conflict with safety, suppliers must always opt for safety first.

At Repsol, we are promoting various initiatives and projects in collaboration with industry to contribute knowledge and tools that help our front line operators and contractors improve safety in their day-to-day activities. Therefore:

  • We want our contractors to receive basic training on factors that aid in improving human performance to better identify and manage them. The free “Introduction to Human Performance” online course developed by the Energy Institute enables managers, specialists, and operational teams to gain this knowledge.
  • We encourage using Toolbox – a free web-based app that features incident and risk lessons to be able to preventively identify high risk situations, additional barriers, or modify the plan of the upcoming activities and tasks to be carried out.


10 Basic Safety Rules logo

Promoting a safe and protected work environment

Our Safety and Environment Strategy defines the key lines of action on which we focus our health, safety, and environmental efforts.

The Division of Procurement and Contracts is responsible for rating suppliers and contractors, including safety criteria in the questionnaires and audits, and evaluating their performance in terms of safety management.

With the aim of guaranteeing the health and integrity of our employees, customers, and suppliers, we constantly promote the dissemination of the 10 Basic Safety Rules through different means of communication and training materials.


As part of our mission to become a net zero energy company by 2050, Repsol is committed to protecting the environment and giving priority to the actions needed to minimize the possible impacts of our operations and the products we offer our customers.

Repsol operators overlooking a dam

Commitment to the environment

Repsol's suppliers must show their commitment and apply it throughout their supply chain with the preservation of the environment and sustainable performance by:

  • Aligning with the objectives set out by the Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals.
  • Complying with the applicable environmental regulations and laws in the countries in which they operate.
  • Assessing impact risks on the environment based on the precautionary, prevention, protection, and continuous improvement principles.
  • Performing comprehensive environmental management that includes water management, soil/subsoil management, biodiversity protection and preservation management, minimization of atmosphere emissions, and efficient waste management.
  • Promoting circular economy principles by optimizing the use of natural resources and raw materials, including energy and water resources, and efficiently managing waste by applying management hierarchy principles.

Human rights

We are aware that, due to the nature of our activities and the conditions of some environments in which we operate, there are some areas that risk having a significant impact on all issues related to human rights.

Human Rights - several people put their hands on each others' hands

It is important to identify, prevent, mitigate, remedy, and supervise the risks and impacts on the human rights of employees, customers, and other groups that may be affected by our activity, particularly those that may occur in our supply chain.

All of our suppliers must register in our procurement management systems and accept our Ethics and Conduct Code for Suppliers.

Moreover, a reputational analysis is conducted on all suppliers by consulting different public and private databases regarding infringements of the law, illegal behaviors, and other compliance aspects related to those third parties.

Our General Conditions for Procurement and Contracting include an obligation to respect international human rights. The supplier must at the very least respect the International Bill of Human Rights and the principles related to the fundamental human rights established by the International Labor Organization.


We perform evaluations by mainly reviewing the quality, safety, and environmental management systems, as well as the code of ethics, respect for human rights, work practices, and measures against fraud and corruption. This also includes the supplier or contractor's own supply chain management.

The sustainability of the Company’s supply chain promotes employability and workers' rights among local communities and promotes local economic development.

We recognize the role of companies as agents of change and want to have a influence on our value chain, which is why we provide awareness-raising support in order to guarantee due diligence in human rights.

In the event that our operations or those of partners and contractors have any social or environmental impact, we actively cooperate in their remediation.

We adhere to the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights (VPSHR) with the aim of guaranteeing respect for human rights for those who come in contact with security forces. To do this, we collaborate with our contractors and offer security and human rights training.